Eladio Carrión: Sauce Boyz

This one is in my top 3! Alongside an elite team of creatives, we conceptualized the “Sauce Boyz'' brand for Eladio Carrion’s first music project and the one that has led his music career, and it’s still used to identify his fan community. We managed the album’s release and produced an illustrated visualizer-style music video for each song, and the three official music videos. One of my favorite marketing efforts was the collaboration with El Churry, a very loved sandwich food truck chain in Puerto Rico. We created Eladio’s very own personalized sandwich in reference to the title of the album and revamped their most frequently visited food truck using the album’s creative branding. Eladio loved the rose illustration so much that he even got it tattooed! Yup. I still can’t believe it either. 

Special Shout-Outs: Christian Juarbe, Juan León, Buena Vibra, Baki Aponte, Rimas